Collecting dust and falling out of disrepair is the fate that many old belongings suffer when they're stuffed into corners, stacking in closets, or left in attics. A storage unit is a better option, but how much better is it than keeping everything at home? If you have multiple computers or other electronics that have some use in the future, but don't need to be in your home or office right now, here is a comparison of the different storage options along with features to keep an eye out for as you survey storage facilities.

Dust Is A Major Idle Electronics Problem

Computers and other electronics are heat-generating devices. In addition to running on electricity--a heat-generating activity on its own--there are some components such as processors and memory chips that generate heat as they calculate and store information.

Dust is an insulator, meaning it keeps in heat. As dust builds up on electronic components, the heat rises since escaping into the air or being carried by other heat transfer materials is harder. This makes the devices operate hotter, leading to slower performances as the heat protection failsafes turn on. Without those failsafes, the components can burn away, leading to expensive repairs.

It can be difficult to clean dust out of systems, and cleaning is dangerous if you don't know the layout of the system you're cleaning. To avoid damage from rubbing too hard on certain components or using the wrong cleaning solution--a caustic disaster waiting to happen--avoid keeping computer stored in open areas without filtration.

Storage Facility Benefits

Storage units can outperform home storage options with dust control because of the limited use and access of the units. If you choose a storage facility with air conditioned units, there is a side benefit of air filtration that comes from the air conditioning's filter. As long as you're not entering the storage room every day, leaving the door open, or bringing other dust-generating materials such as clothing or cardboard boxes, dust will be in much better control at the storage facility.

When you're storing your belongings at home, you have to deal with all of the dust and debris-generating issues that happen with real life. People coming in and out of the home--even if it's just you--along with dust entering from an air conditioning unit that isn't professionally maintained is a problem. There are other dust sources such as smoke and food particles from cooking, dander from pets, and outdoor pollution that a home air conditioning unit can't handle easily.

Contact a self storage professional to bring your systems into self storage units that you can manage a lot more easily and cleanly than trying to turn your home into a sterile business in its own right. For more information, contact companies like National Self Storage - Denver.
